Research Interests
The main three themes of my research career are:
- Applied Cryptography
- Machine/Deep Learning
- Hardware Acceleration
Specific research interests include but are not limited to:
- Parallel Processing and High-Performance Computing
- Privacy-Preserving Technologies
- Trustworthy Machine Learning
- Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
- Digital Signal Processing
- Computer Systems Performance Modelling (Simulation, Queueing Networks and many others)
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Evolutionary Algorithms
Grants and Contract Awards
Feb 2020 – Aug 2021
RIE2020 Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) Programmatic Programme (Award A19E3b0099). 9.9 Million SGD.
Principle Investigator for a multi-year, multi-million dollar research and development effort funded by the Singaporean government to optimize fully homomorphic encryption (HE) for advanced manufacturing applications such as Design of Experiments. I was responsible of Work Package II – Strengthening HE fundamentals tasked with:
- designing fast algorithms for primitive HE computations,
- extending HE arithmetic set, and
- increasing the usability of HE to ease application development.
10 peer-reviewed conference and journal articles, 2 patents, 3 software IPs, and 1 software library were generated from this project.
Research Products
- GPU acceleration of different fully homomorphic encryption schemes such as BFV and CKKS.
- Applying fully homomorphic encryption in creating privacy-preserving machine and deep learning using encrypted data.
- Homomorphic CNNs: developing a privacy-preserving image classifier that performs inference (prediction) of CNNs on encrypted images from MNIST, CIFAR-10 and diabetic retinopathy medical images. Implemented on CPU (using SEAL) and GPU (using A*FHE).
- PrivFT (private fasttext): developing a privacy-preserving NLP text classifier based on the bag-of-words model using FHE. PrivFT can perform both training and prediction on encrypted text. Implemented on CPU (using SEAL) and GPU (using A*FHE).
- GI-FHE: developing privacy-preserving genotype imputation models that impute the missing genotypes of encrypted DNA sequences using FHE. Implemented on CPU (using SEAL).
- AML-FHE: developing a privacy-preserving anti-money laundry system that predicts illicit encrypted transactions using FHE. Implemented on CPU (using SEAL).
- CASHE: developing a privacy-preserving spacecraft conjunction analysis tool using FHE. CASHE can predict the collision probability of flying objects using encrypted orbital information. Implemented on CPU (using SEAL).
- Multi-processor task scheduler via Particle Swarm Optimization.
Current Research Activities
Apr 2021 – Jun 2024
DPRIVE - Data Protection in Virtual Environments – 15 Million USD. TREBUCHET Team
Co-Principle Investigator for a multi-year, multi-million dollar DARPA-funded research and development effort to build a HE chip for homomorphic machine and deep learning applications via ASIC technology. I am mainly responsible for:
- directed software-hardware co-design and optimization strategies as Co-PI and Technical Lead
- designing novel cryptographic capabilities of HE to support machine and deep learning applications such as logistic regression training, CNN inference and training,
- developing initial prototypes of the said cryptographic capabilities
- coordination and knowledge transferal between the software and hardware subgroups in the TREBUCHET team, and
- developing workload characterization and performance models on various hardware acceleration technologies.